A way to play.

A way to grow.


The Barça Academy Basket Camp will be a week full of experience with the aim of improving and learning technical and tactical elements. In the daily training sessions you will be able to feel like a player from the Club’s first team by training with FCB coaches through our methodology based on the integral growth of the player.

It is a camp in which the basketball experience is completed with various educational and recreational activities aimed at learning more about FC Barcelona.

The Barça Academy Basket Camp will be a 3-day camp. 

The schedule for players from 7 to 11 years old will be 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and for players from 12 to 15 years old, it will be from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

These camps are designed both for players from the club in which facilities will be used for the camp, as well as for players who come from other basketball clubs.


Participants in the Barça Academy Basketball Camp will be able to improve their learning of the technical and tactical concepts of basketball in accordance with the methodology commonly used in the training of professional basketball teams.

In addition, this experience for young athletes also allows:

– Participate in training, leisure and recreational activities related to basketball and FC Barcelona.

– Experience the benefits of practicing sports in a professional and fun way.

– Promote teamwork between players, who share a passion for basketball and Barça.

– Transmit the values that FC Barcelona represents.

The coaches who will carry out the Barça Academy Basketball Camp come directly from the FC Barcelona academy “La Masia”.

These coaches have extensive experience in the world of basketball and specifically with Barça’s methodology and style of play.

In each of the days of the Barça Academy Basketball Camp there will be a team training session with technical aspects and a competition.

In addition, the coaches will talk about tactical and motivational aspects of the game that will help complete the sports experience of the young participants.

The main communication channel for questions not resolved in our FAQS or other concerns, can be sent to us by email to: fcbcamps@barcelonatraining.dk


Limited Tickets

Barça Academy

Basketball Camp - 1 Week

Ages 7-12

Limited Tickets

Barça Academy

Basketball Camp - 1 Week

Ages 13-18




Kolme päivää harjoituksia FC Barcelonan virallisten valmentajien johdolla. Haluamme tarjota kokemusrikkaan leirin, jonka tavoitteena on oppia ja kehittää teknisiä ja taktisia pelitaitoja. FCB valmentajien valmennusmenetelmät tähtäävät pelaajan kokonaisvaltaiseen kehitykseen, ja valmentajien päivittäisessä ohjauksessa tunnet olevasi osa FC Barcelonan ykkösjoukkuetta. Osallistujat saavat FC Barcelona Basketball Camp -sertifioidun diplomin leirin suorittamisesta.

Ilman muuta. Ostaessasi leiriosallistumisen TicketMasterista, voit halutessasi lisätä tilaukseesi myös ylimääräisiä harjoitusasuja.

Kyllä, valokuvapaketti on ostettavissa ensimmäiseen leiripäivään asti.

Pelaajien tulee tuoda mukanaan:


Oma vesipullo

Omat eväät (lounas)

FCB Camp harjoitusasu (paita, shortsit, sukat)

FC Barcelona Basketball Campille ovat tervetulleita kaikki 7–16-vuotiaat pojat ja tytöt.

FC Barcelona Basketball Camp on kolmen päivän mittainen – nuorempien ryhmä harjoittelee päivittäin klo 9.00–13.00 ja vanhempien ryhmä klo 14.30–18.30. Päätösseremonia järjestetään yleensä leirin viimeisenä päivänä.

Leirin jokaisena päivänä pelaajat pääsevät perehtymään eri tekniikan osa-alueisiin ja oppimaan FC Barcelonan tunnetuista pelimenetelmistä kehittyäkseen koripalloilijoina.

Pyrimme parhaamme mukaan pitämään suunnitellusta aikataulusta kiinni, mutta pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin.

FC Barcelonan viralliset valmentajat saapuvat yksinomaan leirin harjoituksia varten ja heitä avustavat paikalliset apuvalmentajat. Monista muista leireistä poiketen, suurin osa valmentajista on tälläkin hetkellä mukana FC Barcelonan toiminnassa ympäri vuoden. Tekninen johtaja ja valmentajat työskentelevät yhdessä leiriosallistujien kanssa koko leirin ajan.

Ryhmät jaetaan iän ja taitotason mukaan. Lopullinen ryhmäjako pyritään tekemään leirin ensimmäisenä päivänä. FC Barcelonan valmentajat suorittavat testin taitotason määrittämiseksi ryhmäjakoa varten. Pelaajia voidaan siirtää ryhmästä toiseen leirin aikana.

Kyllä, vanhemmat ovat tervetulleita seuraamaan harjoituksia. Pyydämme kuitenkin ystävällisesti vanhempia pysymään heille osoitetulla alueella, jotta harjoitukset eivät keskeydy turhaan.

Pääset ilmoittautumaan leirille verkossa TÄÄLTÄ.

Kyllä, voit ilmoittautua JONOON tästä linkistä.

Kyllä, olemme FC Barcelonan virallinen koripalloleiri. Leirin mahdollistaa Barcelona Training ApS., joka on FC Barcelonan virallinen yhteistyökumppani Tanskassa, Norjassa, Suomessa & Saksassa.


Maksuja ei palauteta, mutta alun perin maksamasi kokonaissumma ja rekisteröinnin arvo voidaan siirtää käytettäväksi toista leiriä varten tai maksu voidaan siirtää toiselle pelaajalle (voimassa 31.12.2024 asti). 

Leirillä on paikalla lisensoitu fysioterapeutti, joka pitää FC Barcelona Basketball Campin osallistujista huolen leirin aikana loukkaantumisten varalta.

Kaikilla leiriläisillä tulee olla oma sairausvakuutus. FC Barcelona Basketball Camp kattaa vain sairasvakuutuksen hyödyntämisen jälkeiset ylimääräiset kulut (ei kata omavastuuta).

Vanhemmat ovat vastuussa kaikista lääkärikuluista ja hoidoista, lukuun ottamatta niitä, jotka kuuluvat leirin ylimääräiseen sairausvakuutusturvaan.


3 dager trening med offisielle FC Barcelona-trenere. Vi ønsker at det skal være en opplevelsesleir med mål om å forbedre og lære tekniske og taktiske elementer. På de daglige treningsøktene vil du kunne føle deg som en spiller fra Klubbens a-lag ved å trene med FC Barcelona trener gjennom vår metodikk basert på den integrerte veksten til spilleren.

Deltakerne vil motta et sertifisert FC Barcelona Basketball Camp diplom for gjennomføring av leiren. Spilleren vil også motta FCB-leirtreningssett (2 T-shirts, shorts, sokker)

Ja, selvfølgelig. Under kjøp av din Camp-deltagelse i TicketMaster vil du få muligheten til å legge til ekstra uniformer til bestillingen din.

Ja, det vil være mulig frem til første dag av leiren.

Spillere må ta med:


Individuell vannflaske


Komplett FCB-leirtreningssett (2 T-shirts, shorts, sokker)

Gutter og jenter mellom 7 og 16 år gammel ønskes velkommen på FC Barcelona Basketball Camp.

FC Barcelona Basketball Camp går 3 dager fra 9.00 til 13.00 hver dag for de yngste og fra 14.30 til 18.30 for de eldste. Avslutningsseremoni er vanligvis den siste dagen av leiren.

Hver dag vil spillerne utvikle forskjellige teknikker og lære FC Barcelonas anerkjente metodikk for å forbedre seg som basketballspillere.

Vi anstrenger oss for å holde tidsplanen slik den har blitt publisert; den endelige tidsplanen kan imidlertid variere på grunn av faktorer utenfor vår kontroll.

Offisielle trenere fra FC Barcelona kommer eksklusivt for å gjennomføre treningsøktene med hjelp fra lokale assistenttrenere. I motsetning til mange andre leire, er de fleste av våre trenere involvert i FC Barcelona hele året.

Gruppene vil bli delt inn etter alder og nivå. På første dag på leiren vil spillerne muligvis bli delt inn i sine endelige grupper. FC Barcelona-trenerne vil deretter gjennomføre en evaluering for å fullføre gruppene. Spillere kan byttes fra en gruppe til en annen under leiren.

Ja, foreldre er velkomne til å se treningene. Vi ber imidlertid om at du oppholder deg i et bestemt område for ikke å forstyrre dynamikken i treningene.

Du kan registrere deg online HER

Ja, du kan registrere deg for VENTELISTEN i denne lenken.

Ja, vi er den offisielle FC Barcelona Basketball Camp. Denne muligheten tilbys av Barcelona Training ApS. som er offisiell partner til FC Barcelona i Danmark, Norge, Finland og Tyskland.


Gebyrene kan ikke refunderes, men det totale beløpet du opprinnelig betalte for er garantert og verdien av registreringen vil bli kreditert mot en senere leir eller den kan overføres til en annen spiller (gyldig til 31.12.2024).

En lisensiert fysioterapeut vil ta seg av deltakerne under FC Barcelona Soccer Camp i tilfelle skade.

Alle som deltar på leiren må ha gyldig helseforsikringsbevis.


5 days of training with Official FC Barcelona Coaches. Learn the same successful methodology where players such as Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Piqué or Ansu Fati emerged from.

Players will have fruit during the break, between sessions to ensure the players stay healthy.

Players will receive an FC Barcelona Soccer Camp certified diploma for the completion of the camp.

Players will also receive a gift clothing package as part of their registration for the camp.

Boys and girls between 7 and 16 years old are welcomed at the FC Barcelona Soccer Camp.

Players must bring:

Football boots

Individual water bottle

Packed lunch

Full Training FCB Camp Kit (Jersey, shorts, socks)

Yes, it will be possible until the first day of the camp.

The FC Barcelona Soccer Camp runs 5 days from 9 AM til 1 PM everyday for the youngest and from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM for the oldest. Final ceremony is usually on the last day of the camp.

We will make reasonable efforts to keep the schedule as it has been published; however, the final schedule may vary due to factors beyond our control.

Official Coaches from FC Barcelona will come exclusively to conduct the training sessions with help from local assistant coaches. All the coaches are licensed by UEFA.

In contrast to many other camps, most of the coaches are currently involved with FC Barcelona throughout the year.

The groups will be divided by age and level. On the first and second day of the camp players will maybe  be separated into their final groups. Players can be switched from one group to another one during the camp.

Yes, parents are welcome to see the training sessions. We ask however that you stay in a specific area in order to not interrupt the dynamism of the trainings.

You can register online HERE.

Yes, you can register for the WAITLIST in this link.

Yes, we are the Official FC Barcelona Soccer Camp. This opportunity is provided by Barcelona Training ApS. who are the Official Partner of FC Barcelona in Denmark, Norway, Finland & Germany.

Yes of course. During purchase of your Camp participation in TicketMaster, you will be given the option to add extra uniforms to your order.

Refund Policy

The fees are non-refundable, however the total amount you originally paid for is guaranteed and the value of the registration will be credited towards a later camp or it can be transferred to another player (valid until 12/31/2024).

In the event of inclement weather once camp begins, all campers will be asked to leave the field to the designated shelter area.  If camp is cancelled once started, you will be asked to return to the field and pick up your player.  We do not have indoor facilities to house players for the rest of the day.

A licensed physiotherapist will be taking care of the participants during the FC Barcelona Soccer Camp in case of injury or damage.

All campers must have their own medical coverage. The FC Barcelona Soccer Camp provides only excess coverage (does not cover deductibles) after your insurance policy has been utilised. Parents are responsible for any and all costs of medical attention and treatment, except for that covered by the camp’s excess medical coverage policy.